Celebrating 100 Year’s of the NHL at the NHL Classic

NHL Classic

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend the NHL Classic. This historic game was between the Ottawa Senators and Montreal Canadiens and took place to celebrate 100 year’s of the National Hockey League.

NHL Classic

To kick things off I enter the gates for the pre-game festivities including games, music and more! The energy was high as people celebrated before the game and waiting for it to start in excitement. Ottawa Senators and Montreal Canadiens fans mixed and mingled as they enjoyed pre-game activities.  Sports truly bring people together in a unique way!

NHL Classic

Once everyone headed into the stadium, what an incredible thing to see as you looked around and saw over 30,000 people fill the stands to take part in this historic game. The energy was high as fans cheered on their teams.

NHL Classic

I’ve never felt so Canadian as I did with my Ottawa Senators Sport Chek jersey, winter jacket, snow pants, winter boots and poutine to warm up! I must have been wearing 15 layers but it was totally worth it to see this game! I’ve been a Senators fan my whole life but what a great opportunity to sport my first ever fan fit jersey. It has the authentic on-ice look, fight strap and all! I’ll proudly wear this jersey at all future games and reminisce about the NHL Classic!

NHL Classic

Bryan Adams rocked the half time show! As if the game wasn’t enough, Bryan Adams has always been a Canadian artist i’ve wanted to see live. As you looked around the crowd everyone was singing along. During another break between plays they played ‘good ol’ hockey game’ and everyone sang along to this classic! On other breaks the enthusiasm of people trying to get on the big screen was hilarious.

NHL Classic

Back to the game! The weather was dropping but our spirits were growing higher. More and more people were standing up to cheer and dance around to keep warm. The Sens won the game with an end score of 3-0 and I’ve never been prouder to be a Sens Fan. From the in-game atmosphere to the fact 33,959 people showed up to enjoy this favourite Canadian pass time and cheer on our home team. I’ve been to so many Sens games but this one was by far my favourite.

Let me know if you were at the game on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.




Julia Weber
Julia Weber

Julia started Little Miss Ottawa as a way to explore her hometown as a traveller would. She’s always planning her next adventure, whether it’s local or abroad. You’ll find her exploring with her camera in hand. She hopes Little Miss Ottawa helps bring you on new and fun adventures. Happy exploring :)

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